Tuesday, July 14, 2009

6 Day From Full Term

I can't believe it! I'm almost to full term. Three months ago I didn't think I would come anywhere close to full term. I remember thinking , "If I can just get to 30 weeks everything will be ok." Who knew I would come this far? I'm so thankful to be at this point in the pregnancy. I have to keep this in mind when I start to complain about how tired I am of being pregnant. I feel like I've been pregnant for years!

We had another "normal" appointment today. I am measuring right on target which means the baby is growing appropriately. The doctor didn't check to see if I have dilated more since last week. I would like to have known if I'm making any progress. I assume they will check next week. I've been off total bed rest and all medication for a little over a week now. I asked her when she thought I would go into labor and she said it could be today or weeks from now. I can't imagine being pregnant another 3 or 4 weeks! It seems like an eternity.

On another note I've turned into the always complaining pregnant woman! Trey has to be so sick of hearing me complain and dealing with my irritability. I don't sleep these days because Natalee decides it's time to practice kickboxing in the wee hours of the morning. After her workout she tends to get the hiccups for at least 30 minutes. In between her activity and my peanut sized bladder I'm up at least every hour. My joints and muscles have come out of retirement and they don't like it. My feet swell up and look like balloon animals after using them for a small period of time. My hands, elbows, hips and back feel like they've been taken over by arthritis. I tried writing yesterday morning and I struggled to hold a pen. Surely this isn't normal...? Between all these issues and the lack of sleep I've been a joy to live with:) :) Oh, and I've officially started nesting. Last Friday night I got a sudden urge to clean out the garage. I decided it couldn't wait one minute longer. Trey is trying his best to deal with my temporary (i hope temporary) insanity! I hope Natalee gets here soon. There's a good possibility I'm going crazy!

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