Sunday, May 22, 2011

Natalee's Last Day of School

Natalee had her last day of Mother Day out last week. We were so sad to see it end. She really blossomed over the four month period she was there. We were lucky enough to have amazing teachers. One of which was her Aunt Amy. We were a little spoiled!!

Natalee has grown to love any type of art since being there. They had the kids doing various arts and crafts. Unfortunately, I am the least artistic and crafty person you will ever meet. At home all Natalee wants me to do is draw pictures. She hands me a marker and shows me where to draw on the paper. Poor child only sees stick people, flowers and shapes. I need to brush up on my drawing skills.

Here are a few pics of her last day...

Dance Machine

Leading the show


Natalee and Mitzi

Natalee and her teacher " Auma MiMi"

Thursday, May 19, 2011


It all started in March... I wasn't feeling like myself and decided to take a pregnancy test. I didn't think too much of it and continued with my day. I finished up a conference call and realized I had forgotten to look at the results. Much to my shock/surprise I found a positive pregnancy test. I was shocked to say the least. I must have looked like a crazy person pacing my house saying, "OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH..." Natalee was at mother's day out and Trey was working. I was stuck with myself in a state of disbelief. I immediately called the doctor to determine how accurate these tests were. With Natalee I found out through a blood test. I had refused to buy anymore pregnancy tests after almost a year of trying to get pregnant.

I decided to tell Trey in person when he got home from work. I called Liz and she helped me make Natalee a shirt that said, "I'm going to be a big sister" with the due date underneath. As soon as Trey got home from work I sent Natalee in to meet him with her shirt. It took him a minute to read it and put the pieces together. He thought I was joking. Needless to say he was as shocked as I had been. We had been told for months that we would most likely need to do some form of fertility. Shows how much they know :)

We have been cautiously optimitic this go around. My previous pregnancy wasn't a walk in the park. I lived in a state of fear for the majority of the pregnancy. I felt/feel as though I will never have that moment of relief until the baby gets here healthy. So far everything looks great. We have had a few appointments and 3 ultrasounds. My doctors are amazing! We have come up with a game plan to help prevent preterm labor. I will begin progesterone injections next week. This is a shot Trey will give me every week until 36 weeks. He's still not sure he has the stomach to administer the injection (funny since my stomach is the one being poked). We will resort to plan B if he's not up for the job of Mr. Nurse. I'm a little nervous about the shots but am willing to do anything to carry this baby to term.

Today's visit went great! The baby is developing right on track and had a strong heartbeat of 155bpm. I have been confident we were having a boy from the beginning. I have felt great and totally avoided morning sickness. Already this pregnancy has been totally different. Even my weight gain is on the lower side. We all know I didn't hold back with Natalee. I indulged in everything and packed on 50lbs to prove it. Trey has been firm is thinking we were having a girl. He wouldn't even think too much about boy names. It was a waste of time to him. Much to my surprise the ultrasound tech agreed with Trey today. After having 2 different types of ultrasounds she said with almost certainty, "LOOKS LIKE A GIRL!!" She couldn't find anything that resembled those little boy body parts. I was shocked! Trey was sitting there with the biggest grin on his face. He was beyond thrilled! He has always wanted girls. All I care about is a healthly baby. Having 2 little girls so close in age is going to be so much fun. Maybe even a little chaotic at times. I'm holding Natalee back so they will only be 1 grade apart. I'm so excited for Natalee to have a partner in crime. I know she is going to be an amazing big sister. Look out Trey!! You're now going to be dominated by a house full of women!! We can only hope and pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy. Can't wait to meet the newest little Mack in November :)

Here's a look at our ultrasound. My scanner is acting crazy so it isn't the best shot.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day Weekend

We had a fun filled Mothers Day! My favorite place in the world is the lake and luckily Natalee's a happy girl on the water also. We spent the afternoon on the boat. She was finally back to herself and full of personality after a week of being sick. Unfortunately, I managed to get the cold she had. We just can't stay well in this house.

I think Natalee knew it was Mother's Day. She was extra sweet and cuddly. She also picked up on the fact that I didn't feel well. She is really starting to pick up on how people around her are feeling. When she hears a baby cry she says, "Awww" and starts rocking her arms like she's rocking the baby. I have watched her interact with the kids in her class and she always seems concerned when one of the kids is upset. We are really enjoying watching her personality come out!

Natalee's personality isn't the only thing developing. Lately she has come out with the funniest phrases. Here are a few...

Uncle Lee = " La Le"

Nana = "NiNa"

too tight = " too tie"

Auntie Amy = "Auma MiMi"

Bullseye (from Toy Story) = "Bull Bye"

thank you = "ta ta"

please = "pease"

juice = "duece"

let's go = "let's doe"

where are you = "are you"

cow= "tow" pretty much anything that starts with a "c" comes out with a "t"

All in all we're doing great. If we can all stay well we will be in good shape. We are getting very excited about going to the beach. We are headed to Hilton Head over Memorial Day for a much needed vacation!

Looking at the birds with Dad

Lee and Brandi

Somebody loves the wind

Sporting Mommy's sunglasses