Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The End is Near!!!

Well... she flipped!! I couldn't believe my eyes! I was convinced she was going to stay breech. Looks like I'm going to be putting more effort into getting her out than I anticipated. She also has a full head of hair! The ultrasound tech laughed at how much hair she has. We were also able to see her breathing. Everything looked great! They tried to get a 4D picture of her face but she had her face buried in my placenta. That's what you see coming from the side of her face in the picture. I swear she looks just like Trey!

Things also went well with my exam. The pregnancy is right on track for 36 weeks. They actually used the word NORMAL! Can you believe it...? I haven't been referred to as normal once throughout this pregnancy. I find it humorous. I am one centimeter dilated. My body has started preparing itself for labor. I've been having terrible contractions at night. I haven't slept more than 3 hours at a time this week. Once again they said this was all normal for this stage. Apparently I have an irritable uterus. I was also given the okay to walk around the neighborhood. I feel like I was released from prison today! I don't know what to do with myself. I guess we start playing the waiting game at this point. Miss Natalee will make her entrance whenever she's ready.

Trey insisted on buying her a pair of Vans this week. He was quite excited about his purchase. I must admit they're pretty cute. I can't wait to see what kind of crazy outfits he puts her in. I keep reminding him that she's a girl!

I'll try to post an updated belly picture this week! Lord knows it's getting huge! I don't know how I can get much bigger!

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