Our little princess is officially 12lbs 4oz, 24 inches long. She is only in the 12th percentile but she's doing great! Her and I ventured to the doc on our own after Trey got held up at work. I won't lie... I was a bit nervous about the shot portion. Our last visit didn't go so well... for me that is. The nurse came in with the shots and I stood in the hallway and tried not to cry too. Unfortunately this time I had to put on a brave face and hold her little hands while these crazy nurses stuck her over and over. One of the nurses had a hard time giving her the oral shot. After several failed attempts I grabbed the syringe and gave it to her myself. Natalee's patience was wearing thin and I wanted to get the heck out of there. Needless to say I think I'm more traumatized by these visits than she is.
Everything looked great. She was given the okay to start solids. We've begun giving her cereal two times a day. I'm pretty sure more ends up on her face, bib and hands than in her mouth. She's starting to understand how to swallow. Everyday she gets better and better. She definitely entertains us with her funny faces and messy cereal face.
She is developing a little personality. Earlier today I was talking to her aunt Amy and she got frustrated when I wasnt paying attention to her. I would look away and she would squeal so loud. I looked back at her and she would laugh. This seriously went on for about five minutes before I decided to get off the phone. I think she knew exactly what she was doing. She's also started grunting and squealing when you walk away from her crib. Once you peak your head back in her room she just laughs. I have a feeling we're going to have our hands full with this one. She's already figuring out how to get attention. What a mess, haha!!